Its terrifying. Terrifying how we've reached a point in our society where a life, a single soul, is reduced to nothing but a bag of chemicals and seemingly untied impulses resulting from thus. How a man's experiences, his thoughts, his unrelenting creativity, his heart, the vastness of who he is, his divinity, his rights, are stripped in but a mere moment in a scoffing tone. One out of 7 billion. Yet the whole 7 billion are part of a body. We're all part of a giant cosmic eye that sees far out beyond the vastness of this life. "What makes me so special?" And yet I always hear, "Who are you to detract from the truth that lies within you? You know nothing of your own self. How are you to dictate what is and what isn't meant for you? Allow me to open these doors for you, these pathways into a more prosperous life. Let not the fools beguile you in mistaking riches and wealth for gold."
I learned at a young age that the premium currency is what stems from an open heart bathed in love.
I learned at a young age, in the midst of my pain, that the greatest gift is a friend, a lover, a husband, a wife, a mother, a father, or just someone that is bound to the heart, mind, and soul.
I also learned that same year that no one truly knows what it means to taste the feet of heaven, and not being able to share that infinitum wealth. To see the truth of all that is, and yet knowing that all around you tend to the darkness. I wish for them to see my heart, to hear my prayer.
Most nights are spent in crying for I see hell all around me. I wonder what has happened that I see all of this now compared to the expansiveness that was once laid before my feet.
For God to bestow all of this upon my broken mind, I know that I am saved, even while afflicted with great sorrow. But it is moments like these when I see his hand, though heavy upon me, is leading me through these valleys to set me on high at the mountains. With a heavy sigh, I can safely admit that there is nothing that can contain me except God himself. No lover could amount to what I desire.
I have found that what is most valued, is but nothing to learned men.
I'd rather be a fool and a vagabond, filled in my spirit, than to have lost my soul to this world. I do not wish to pertain myself to anything. No doctrine can contain the fullness of God, only what is spoken and heard in utter silence.
"What does it mean to be me? Who am I?" Those are two questions I ask daily.
I beseech you all, let not yourselves thrive after a identity fabricated by this life, but seek an identity through Him who made thee.
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