Monday, October 21, 2013

No, everything is not fine.
My whole life is all kinds of fucked up, I'm not doing shit to try and fix it, I can't fix it no matter how hard I try. My efforts mean really nothing, but everything is as if I never put any effort in the first place.
My mind constantly goes in circles, constantly in contemplation over things that shouldn't matter.
So I'm left with nothing but music and my memories and dreams.
But sometimes I wonder if I'm losing both my memories and dreams.
The music helps, but I fear its only nostalgia, not something worth noting.
Everything has lost its luster, but people smile more than I can so I think its just something wrong with me.
I know people hear this alot of times, but I could be in a room full of a thousand smiling faces all directed at me, and still feel like I'm on fuckin pluto.
Its funny because now, it doesn't hurt as much to think about seeing my last day.

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