Sunday, March 31, 2013

It just baffles me...So many people seem to parrot what was laid before then thousands of years ago. For so long we've held to broken ideals that never even applied to life, and disregarded the things that actually work, and dismissed them as fictitious. I've but grown tired of pointing out the fallacies of life. I aim to see the perfections that sit crossways from me. Its come to the point where we're so afraid of progression and progress itself. Its as if its ingrained into us that all we know is war, pestilence, and foolishness of the straying of our hearts. As if we'll never see an end to this bullshit thats always painted in the illusions in front of us. Theres so much we don't know, and so much thats locked away in secret. 

I'm starting to get the feeling that if I ever want to start somewhere, I need to read the original texts in hebrew. If I'm to go anywhere in life, I have to start at the basis of protestant faiths, and even before that. I want to follow the silenced voices. I mean, afterall, they're the ones that beckon me the most.

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