Wednesday, February 27, 2013

As I wonder through the desolate forest, devoid of the love I once felt, I feel the embrace of the surrounding trees, curtailing the tears laced upon my cheek, I see nothing but the face of the woman who my heart drearily sought out. Each passing moment is a death upon my very essence as I spend them without her cradled next to my heart. Oh how my life sings for her embrace once again as death's freezing touch glances upon my shoulder. My life be only meaningful when the waters of her heart shew forth in unrelenting force upon me. I am but a dirtied vagrant, who hungers to be washed in love's river once again. Nothing can console the retreatment of myself into this abyss. I only wished to share what little I had left in that dream-like state, flying amongst the aether trees in a far ofted realm. Have I suffered enough, or must I endure a thousand-fold of this seemingly eternal pain? Good morning, good evening, where art thou my sweet lifeless dove? Have you fallen beneath the tresses of this forgetful life? Or have you soared far beyond the reaches of all that is of un-worth? The reaping of all that is worthwhile is when I am able to taste of your kiss, to cry endlessly in your arms as I release the winter's grasp upon my frozen lake. As I sit here, watching the daylight's light touch pass me by, I find it unfulfilling as I wish to devour its energy whole. I am but emptied before you with endless tears, in full regret that I have given all that I could, and have naught else to proceed forth with. There be naught a heart likened unto the one pinned before mine eye. The forever is what I am entailed to give unto thee, but... I am not one deserving of such an undertaking towards any soul.

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